Hi 👋, I’m Tsugumasa Yutani

I am a master’s student at the University of Tsukuba and The Lab. for Sound and People with Computing. I am currently researching neural audio synthesis, and my ultimate goal is to create innovative musical instruments and explore new possibilities in music.

Before starting my master’s program, I worked five years working in the development and design department of washing machines at Panasonic.

Outside of my academic pursuits, I enjoy participating in the activities of Electronicos Fantasticos! where I create musical instruments from household appliances. I also have experience making M4L plug-ins, guitar effectors, and circuit-bendable toys. I’m also interested in modular synths and have plans to build one in the future.

My interest

My interests include using deep learning to create new sound effects and sound synthesis.

I used to build instruments by modifying consumer electronics, which was part of the Electronicos Fantasticos!, and I also made a lot of musical instruments. I have been engaged in hardware development (mainly looking at the mechanical design, circuits, and software.), and I am good at using digital fabrication techniques to develop interfaces for musical instruments.

I alos specialize in human-centered design and design thinking as well, and I am strong in this process of prototyping and value verification in fast iterations to move things forward.

Technical Skills

Software design:

arduino c java matlab python pytorch

and Processing, Cycling’74 Max, Puredata etc…

Electric design:


Mechnical design:

Fusion360, Siemens NX, Nastran

Prototyping enviroment:

Arduino, ESP32, M5Stack, obniz, Raspberry pi pico, Raspberry pi